Couture Millinery Designer

Putting on the ritz is a part of the everyday for millinery pro Tierre Taylor. The luxury of hats is somewhat faded from the general public these days, whereas fashion lovers tend to embrace the self-expression. Rather than the practical use of hats or headdresses  (providing shade for the face, holding hair in place or avoiding a blustery day) it seems we are more people are concerned that hats mess up our hair but the opposite is actually true.

It’s all in how you wear them! Spice up your wardrobe, or as Tierre would say, “it makes my day to see someone else with confidence and beauty by taking the time to add something great to their look – I appreciate it and so do many other people, even if they don’t say anything.”

For details about the custom designs and the theatre shows that include her work check out Tierre’s website.



Shot in studio with IPhone
Behind the Scenes for

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